
Health and fitness

I've never been one for sports. I was often getting my mum to write sick notes in school to excuse me, unless it was trampolining. I was always up for that! Years of infertility played havoc with comfort eating, and the side effects of IVF medication left me bloated and piling on the pounds. Then… Continue reading Health and fitness


Biggest fears

I'm afraid of so many things, I don't even know where to start with this one! 🙈I suppose my biggest fear of all was the fear that I would never have a child of my own. The longer the infertility went on for, the worse the fear got. In fact, when our first IVF failed,… Continue reading Biggest fears


Why am I here

Good question. Why am I here? In the grand scheme of life, I still don't fully know my true calling and destiny. Being a mum was a dream for as long as I can remember and I'm so grateful to be able to fulfil that dream, I know I am so incredibly lucky! But in… Continue reading Why am I here

IVF story, Uncategorized

The third cycle

Yup. You read that right. I haven't gone mad and missed an IVF cycle. I mean, I have missed a section, the second fresh cycle which gave us Logan. But as we know the outcome to that one, I thought I would pause that story for now and tell you the most recent news. From… Continue reading The third cycle